

Crumbs of Time

Crumbs of Time


     A friend was coming to town. He is a very busy man and his schedule was tight, but after a difficult day in important meetings, he managed to see my family for half an hour for a quick and late dinner. We enjoyed his visit, but I remember looking at my plate and thinking, “We only got the crumbs of his time.”

     Then I remembered how many times God gets the crumbs of my time – sometimes just the last minutes before I fall asleep.

     Daniel was a busy man. He held a high government position in the ancient kingdom of Babylon, and I’m sure he had a full schedule. However, he had developed the habit of spending time with God – praying three times a day; praising God and thanking Him (Daniel 6:10). This routine helped him develop a strong faith that did not waver, when he faced persecution.

     God desires a relationship with us. In the morning we can invited Him into our day, and then we can praise Him ask for His help throughout the day. At other times, we can treasure some time with alone with Him and reflect on His faithfulness. As we spend time with God in prayer and in His Word, we grow in our relationship with Him and learn to become more and more like Him. As time with God becomes a priority, we enjoy His company more and more.

                                                                                --Keila Ochoa

     Additional thought: Notice how Daniel had set the time aside in advance. We will rarely find the time to pray, read, worship and/or thank, if we try to just squeeze it in as the day progresses. If, however, we schedule it in advance, we can learn to work other things around it. HINT: If Bible class and worship have been written in INK 3x a week, every week, you will be less likely to schedule others things during God’s time.