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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/25/23 Race Relations I (Genesis 1:24-31) Odis Duncan Sermon Mt Carmel Minute Supplement Sermon Sun AM Race_Relations_I_Genesis_1.24-31_06.25.23a.mp3
06/18/23 The Great Stone Face (Romans 12:1-8) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Great_Stone_Face_Romans_12.1-8_06.18.23a.mp3
06/11/23 Summing it All Up (John 3:1-15) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Summing_it_All_Up_John_3.1-15_06.11.23p.mp3
06/11/23 Brewster's Millions (Philippians 2:12-18) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Brewsters_Millions_Philippians_2.12-18_06.15.23a.mp3
06/04/23 Distemper (Romans 12:9-21) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Distemper_Romans_12.9-21_06.04.23p.mp3
06/04/23 Laboring in Vain (Psalm 127) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Laboring_in_Vain_Psalm_127_06.04.23a.mp3
05/28/23 Calloway (1 Timothy 6:6-19) Odis Duncan Sermon Mt Carmel Minute Supplement Sermon Sun PM Calloway_1_Timothy_6.6-19_05.28.23p.mp3
05/28/23 With Whose Money Am I Gambling (Psalm 50:7-15) Odis Duncan Sermon Mt Carmel Minute Supplement Sermon Sun AM With_Whose_Money_Am_I_Gambling_Psalm_50.7-15_05.28.23a.mp3
05/21/23 What is your measuring stick (Ephesians 5:1-12) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM What_is_your_measuring_stick_Ephesians_5.1-12_05.21.23a.mp3
05/14/23 Irreplaceable Pillars (Luke 23:48-55) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Irreplaceable_Pillars_Luke_23.48-55_05.14.23a.mp3
05/07/23 Disco Duck (Galatians 2:11-15) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Disco_Duck_Galatians_2.11-15_05.07.23p.mp3
05/07/23 Too Many Tabs (Psalm 46) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Too_Many_Tabs_Psalm_46_05.07.23a.mp3
04/30/23 TEMU Christianity (John 6) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM TEMU_Christianity_John_6_04.30.23a.mp3
04/23/23 Alcohol - Part 2 Bob Oliver Sermon Mt Carmel Minute Supplement Sermon Sun PM Alcohol_-_Part_2_Bob_Oliver_04.23.23p.mp3
04/23/23 Alcohol - Part 1 Ed Rezach Sermon Mt Carmel Minute Supplement Sermon Sun AM Alcohol_-_Part_1_Ed_Rezach_04.23.23a.mp3
04/19/23 Church Reset Jack Wilkie Sermon Spring Meeting 2023 Gospel Meeting Church_Reset.mp3
04/18/23 God's Plan for the Church Jack Wilkie Sermon Spring Meeting 2023 Gospel Meeting Gods_Plan_for_the_Church.mp3
04/17/23 A Family, Not A Club Jack Wilkie Sermon Spring Meeting 2023 Gospel Meeting A_Family_Not_A_Club.mp3
04/16/23 Where Church Went Wrong Jack Wilkie Sermon Spring Meeting 2023 Gospel Meeting Where_Church_Went_Wrong.mp3
04/16/23 Shouldn't Church Be...More? Jack Wilkie Sermon Spring Meeting 2023 Gospel Meeting Shouldnt_Church_Be_More.mp3
04/16/23 Christian or Church Customer? Jack Wilkie Sermon Spring Meeting 2023 Gospel Meeting Christian_or_Church_Customer.mp3
04/09/23 Getting Where We Are Going (Philippians 3:1-16) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Getting_Where_We_Are_Going_Philippians_3.1-16_04.09.23a.mp3
04/09/23 Seriously Confusing One (1 Corinthians 11:1) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Seriously_Confusing_One_1_Corinthians_11.1_04.09.23p.mp3
04/02/23 Toby Keith - None of Self (Matthew 3:1-12) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Toby_Keith_-_None_of_Self_Matthew_3.1-12.mp3
03/26/23 Two Choices: Fulfilled or Unfulfilled (John 19:17-30) Odis Duncan Sermon Mt Carmel Minute Supplement Sermon Sun AM Two_Choices_Fulfilled_or_Unfulfilled_John_19.17-30_03.26.23a.mp3

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