Mt. Carmel Minute

Mt. Carmel Minute

Our Monthly Community Outreach concerning issues and challenges facing our nation and world.

1) July 2021 - What America Do You Want for Your Kids and Grandkids?

2) August 2021 - Are Our Children and Grandchildren Being Indoctrinated?

3) September 2021 - America's Christian Founding

4) October 2021 - Jesus in the Home

5) November 2021 - What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

6) December 2021 - The Husband's Role in the Home

7) January 2022 - The Wife's Role in the Home

8) February 2022 - The Children's Role in the Home

9) March 2022 - Practical Parenting Tips

10) April 2022 - How Nations Crumble

11) May 2022 - There Is Hope For America

12) June 2022 - Are We Good or Evil

13) July 2022 - We focused our mailout on advertising for the Bible Lands Museum Exhibit that we held in early August

14) August 2022 - God's Absolute Truth vs. Satan's Relative Truth

15) September 2022 - Worldview - Christinity vs Atheism

16) October 2022 - Satan's Attacks on our Home, Moral Compass, Purpose in Life, and our Children's View of Life

17) November 2022 - Preciousness of Life

18) December 2022 - Christmas

19) January 2023 - Is Homosexuality Wrong?

20) February 2023 - The Bible Warns Against Pornography

21) March 2023 - How to Live a Fulfilled Life

22) April 2023 - What the Bible says about Alcohol and Drugs

23) May 2023 - What does the Bible say about Gambling?

24) June 2023 - What does the Bible say about Race Relations?

25) July 2023 - To Be or Not to Be - A Male or A Female?

26) August 2023 - Biblical Record of Time

For the next year or so, we will be presenting articles that will proceed logically through the evidence to prove that the Bible is the Word of God.

1) November 2023 - Is Biblical Faith a Blind Faith?

2) December 2023 - Science as Confirmed by the Bible

3) January 2024 - No God or KNOW God

4) February 2024 - Can Life Come From Non-Life

5) March 2024 - Universal Laws Require a Law Giver

6) April 2024 - Problems with Evolutionary Theories

7) May 2024 - We Can Believe the Bible is Accurate

8) June 2024 - Fulfilled Prophecy Proves the Bible is Real